Thursday, September 20, 2012

Social CRMs

 “Social media & CRM : Evolution of how companies try to network with us

Over the past several years if not months the influence of social media on our way of life and on the day to day interactions of companies with their customers has compounded and evolved faster and to a greater degree than anyone could've foreseen. For my paper this term, I’m interested in how different emerging social media platforms is affecting the development of CRMs and the resulting change in customer relationship management especially the software side is remodeling the a way of how companies engage with us, their customers. 

I want to take a look at the technological perspective of how social CRMs are changing how companies get to consumers with name buy lists, webpage/geo analytics, and mining online interest groups such as forums and blogs. Primarily,I would want to look at how Google Analytics, Hobsons, Oracle, Compete and are some rising examples of CRM tools used for consumer data tracking and engagement and the affects on consumers.